Typically refers to the principles of Lean manufacturing which include eliminating the maximum level of waste and inefficiency in the production process.
5S is a workplace organization tool. By using visual management mechanisms. It isa designed to make work environments more efficient and effective. (i.e. worker friendly) Each of the five stages starts with the letter S, hence the term “5S”. The five words are Sort, Set in place, Shine, Standardize and Sustain.
Kaizen events are engagements designed with specific short term targets in mind usually 6-12 weeks in duration.
1) Not understanding the potential benefits of applying lean, 2) Underestimating employee attitudes/resistance to change, 3) Insufficient workforce skills to implement lean, 4) Backsliding to the old inefficient ways of working
Are you too busy to improve your business? Look, you’ll stop being busy either when you die or when the company goes bankrupt.
Theory of constraints is a management paradigm that views the limiting factor that stands in the way of achieving your goals is a very small number of constraints
Depends on how you measure it but from a strictly throughput standpoint you should gain at least 50% by the end of year one and 200% by year two.
No software required other that your typical business package. We will provide all the systems and tools you will need to get you up and running.
Depends on how you measure it but from a strictly throughput standpoint you should gain at least 50% by the end of year one and 200% by year two.
Business development isn't really about industry expertise. It's much more about business expertise. In fact, not having knowledge of your specific industry allows us to look at your opportunities from a completely different perspective which is the key to getting you unstuck, and helping you advance.
The ultimate shortcut for creating a better shop environment to increase efficiency, profitability and shorten lead times.
Facilitating Lean transformation to maximize efficiency and profitability for small and mid-sized manufacturers in the U.S and Canada.